Face Anti-spoofing (FAS) is essential to secure face recognition systems from various physical attacks. However, recent research generally focuses on short-distance applications (i.e., phone unlocking) while lacking consideration of long-distance scenes (i.e., surveillance security checks). In order to promote relevant research and fill this gap in the community, we collect a large-scale Surveillance High-Fidelity Mask (SuHiFiMask) dataset captured under 40 surveillance scenes, which has 101 subjects from different age groups with 232 3D attacks (high-fidelity masks), 200 2D attacks (posters, portraits, and screens), and 2 adversarial attacks. In this scene, low image resolution and noise interference are new challenges faced in surveillance FAS. Together with the SuHiFiMask dataset, we propose a Contrastive Quality-Invariance Learning (CQIL) network to alleviate the performance degradation caused by image quality from three aspects: (1) An Image Quality Variable module (IQV) is introduced to recover image information associated with discrimination by combining the super-resolution network. (2) Using generated sample pairs to simulate quality variance distributions to help contrastive learning strategies obtain robust feature representation under quality variation. (3) A Separate Quality Network (SQN) is designed to learn discriminative features independent of image quality. Finally, a large number of experiments verify the quality of the SuHiFiMask dataset and the superiority of the proposed CQIL.
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When using LiDAR semantic segmentation models for safety-critical applications such as autonomous driving, it is essential to understand and improve their robustness with respect to a large range of LiDAR corruptions. In this paper, we aim to comprehensively analyze the robustness of LiDAR semantic segmentation models under various corruptions. To rigorously evaluate the robustness and generalizability of current approaches, we propose a new benchmark called SemanticKITTI-C, which features 16 out-of-domain LiDAR corruptions in three groups, namely adverse weather, measurement noise and cross-device discrepancy. Then, we systematically investigate 11 LiDAR semantic segmentation models, especially spanning different input representations (e.g., point clouds, voxels, projected images, and etc.), network architectures and training schemes. Through this study, we obtain two insights: 1) We find out that the input representation plays a crucial role in robustness. Specifically, under specific corruptions, different representations perform variously. 2) Although state-of-the-art methods on LiDAR semantic segmentation achieve promising results on clean data, they are less robust when dealing with noisy data. Finally, based on the above observations, we design a robust LiDAR segmentation model (RLSeg) which greatly boosts the robustness with simple but effective modifications. It is promising that our benchmark, comprehensive analysis, and observations can boost future research in robust LiDAR semantic segmentation for safety-critical applications.
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Measuring and alleviating the discrepancies between the synthetic (source) and real scene (target) data is the core issue for domain adaptive semantic segmentation. Though recent works have introduced depth information in the source domain to reinforce the geometric and semantic knowledge transfer, they cannot extract the intrinsic 3D information of objects, including positions and shapes, merely based on 2D estimated depth. In this work, we propose a novel Geometry-Aware Network for Domain Adaptation (GANDA), leveraging more compact 3D geometric point cloud representations to shrink the domain gaps. In particular, we first utilize the auxiliary depth supervision from the source domain to obtain the depth prediction in the target domain to accomplish structure-texture disentanglement. Beyond depth estimation, we explicitly exploit 3D topology on the point clouds generated from RGB-D images for further coordinate-color disentanglement and pseudo-labels refinement in the target domain. Moreover, to improve the 2D classifier in the target domain, we perform domain-invariant geometric adaptation from source to target and unify the 2D semantic and 3D geometric segmentation results in two domains. Note that our GANDA is plug-and-play in any existing UDA framework. Qualitative and quantitative results demonstrate that our model outperforms state-of-the-arts on GTA5->Cityscapes and SYNTHIA->Cityscapes.
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With the growth of high-dimensional sparse data in web-scale recommender systems, the computational cost to learn high-order feature interaction in CTR prediction task largely increases, which limits the use of high-order interaction models in real industrial applications. Some recent knowledge distillation based methods transfer knowledge from complex teacher models to shallow student models for accelerating the online model inference. However, they suffer from the degradation of model accuracy in knowledge distillation process. It is challenging to balance the efficiency and effectiveness of the shallow student models. To address this problem, we propose a Directed Acyclic Graph Factorization Machine (KD-DAGFM) to learn the high-order feature interactions from existing complex interaction models for CTR prediction via Knowledge Distillation. The proposed lightweight student model DAGFM can learn arbitrary explicit feature interactions from teacher networks, which achieves approximately lossless performance and is proved by a dynamic programming algorithm. Besides, an improved general model KD-DAGFM+ is shown to be effective in distilling both explicit and implicit feature interactions from any complex teacher model. Extensive experiments are conducted on four real-world datasets, including a large-scale industrial dataset from WeChat platform with billions of feature dimensions. KD-DAGFM achieves the best performance with less than 21.5% FLOPs of the state-of-the-art method on both online and offline experiments, showing the superiority of DAGFM to deal with the industrial scale data in CTR prediction task. Our implementation code is available at: https://github.com/RUCAIBox/DAGFM.
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由于其稀疏和细长的性质,估算3D空间中准确的车道线仍然具有挑战性。在这项工作中,我们提出了M^2-3dlanenet,这是一个有效3D车道检测的多模式框架。旨在集成来自多传感器的互补信息,M^2-3dlanenet首先将多模式特征提取具有模态特异性骨架,然后将它们融合在统一的鸟眼视图(BEV)空间中。具体而言,我们的方法由两个核心组成部分组成。 1)要获得准确的2D-3D映射,我们提出了自上而下的BEV生成。其中,使用线条限制的变形(LRDA)模块可用于以自上而下的方式有效地增强图像特征,从而充分捕获车道的细长特征。之后,它使用深度感知的举重将2D锥体特征投入到3D空间中,并通过枕形生成BEV特征。 2)我们进一步提出了自下而上的BEV融合,该融合通过多尺度的级联注意力汇总了多模式特征,从而集成了来自摄像头和激光雷达传感器的互补信息。足够的实验证明了M^2-3dlanenet的有效性,该实验的有效性超过了先前的最先进方法,即在OpenLane数据集上提高了12.1%的F1-SCORE改善。
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深度学习(DL)通过前段光学相干断层扫描(AS-OCT)图像在角度闭合分类方面取得了重大进展。这些AS-OCT图像通常是通过不同的成像设备/条件获得的,这会导致基础数据分布的巨大变化(称为“数据域”)。此外,由于实用的标签困难,某些域(例如设备)可能没有任何数据标签。结果,在一个特定域(例如,特定设备)上训练的深层模型很难适应,因此在其他域(例如其他设备)上的性能很差。为了解决此问题,我们提出了一个多目标域的适应范式,以将在一个标记的源域上训练的模型转移到多个未标记的目标域。具体而言,我们提出了一种新型的多尺度多目标域对抗网络(M2DAN),以进行角度闭合分类。 M2DAN进行多域对抗性学习,以提取域不变特征,并开发一个多尺度模块,用于捕获AS-OCT图像的本地和全局信息。基于这些域不变的特征在不同尺度上,在源域上训练的深模型即使在这些域中没有任何注释,也能够在多个目标域上对角度闭合进行分类。对现实世界AS-OCT数据集进行的广泛实验证明了该方法的有效性。
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最近,已经提出了许多有效的变压器,以降低由软磁性注意引起的标准变压器的二次计算复杂性。但是,他们中的大多数只是用有效的注意机制交换SoftMax,而无需考虑定制的体系结构,特别是为了有效的关注。在本文中,我们认为手工制作的香草变压器体系结构可用于软马克斯的注意力可能不适合有效的变压器。为了解决这个问题,我们提出了一个新框架,通过神经体系结构搜索(NAS)技术找到有效变压器的最佳体系结构。提出的方法在流行的机器翻译和图像分类任务上进行了验证。我们观察到,与标准变压器相比,有效变压器的最佳体系结构的计算降低,但总体准确性较低。这表明SoftMax的注意力和有效的注意力具有自己的区别,但它们都无法同时平衡准确性和效率。这激发了我们混合两种注意力以减少性能失衡。除了现有NAS变压器方法中常用的搜索空间外,我们还提出了一个新的搜索空间,该空间允许NAS算法与架构一起自动搜索注意变体。 WMT'EN-DE和CIFAR-10上的广泛实验表明,我们的搜索架构与标准变压器保持了可比的精度,并具有明显提高的计算效率。
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联合超分辨率和反音调映射(联合SR-ITM)旨在增加低分辨率和标准动态范围图像的分辨率和动态范围。重点方法主要是诉诸图像分解技术,使用多支化的网络体系结构。 ,这些方法采用的刚性分解在很大程度上将其力量限制在各种图像上。为了利用其潜在能力,在本文中,我们将分解机制从图像域概括为更广泛的特征域。为此,我们提出了一个轻巧的特征分解聚合网络(FDAN)。特别是,我们设计了一个功能分解块(FDB),可以实现功能细节和对比度的可学习分离。通过级联FDB,我们可以建立一个用于强大的多级特征分解的分层功能分解组。联合SR-ITM,\ ie,SRITM-4K的新基准数据集,该数据集是大规模的,为足够的模型培训和评估提供了多功能方案。两个基准数据集的实验结果表明,我们的FDAN表明我们的FDAN有效,并且胜过了以前的方法sr-itm.ar代码和数据集将公开发布。
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